Great Rates & Discounts
Multi-Product: Home, condo and renters insurance customers may enjoy special auto insurance discounts or savings.
Anti-Theft Device: Comprehensive coverage discounts for approved theft prevention and recovery devices.
Good Drivers and Students: Recognize safe drivers and good students with special discounts.
Great Coverage
Liability Coverage: Covers unintentional bodily injury and property damage to others when you are legally liable.
Collision Coverage: Pays for physical damage to your vehicle caused by a collision. Pet Protection Coverage provides coverage for your pet dog or cat should they be injured or killed while in your vehicle as a result of an auto accident.
Comprehensive Coverage: Provides coverage for noncollision losses including fire, theft, glass breakage and vandalism. Waived deductibles on qualified windshield chips and cracks.
Additional Coverage Options: Meets your specific needs by offering optional or required coverages, including personal injury protection, medical payments, uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage, loan/lease gap coverage, car rental coverage and custom, electronic or extra equipment coverage.
Choose Your Deductible: For collision and comprehensive coverage, you can choose from a variety of deductible levels.
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