In today’s uncertain economy, financial planning has become increasingly important. With an overwhelming number of options for saving and investing, managing your finances can be difficult. Creating a financial plan helps you see the big picture and set long and short term goals, a crucial step in mapping out your financial future. When you have a strategy it is easier to make financial decisions and stay on track to meet your goals.
There are important questions to consider when creating a financial plan.
– What are you saving for?
– How much money will you need?
– How long before you will need this money?
– How much can you set aside from each paycheck or per month?
– What is currently going into your savings each paycheck or per month?
– How will unexpected events impact your family’s goals?
– What can’t you afford to lose?
– How have you prepared for financial risks, illness, long term care or death?
Always remember, no two financial plans are the same. While you are able, through other sites, to invest in the stock market and other investment vehicles, wouldn’t you feel more confident working with an advisor who knows the market?
Contact Jerry Price today to set up a free review of your investment portfolio!
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